
Data Deletion Policy

Last updated on Jan 1st 2024


At Milana Designs, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This Data Deletion Procedure outlines the steps we take to ensure the secure and timely deletion of your data when requested.

Submitting a Data Deletion Request:

If you wish to have your personal data deleted from our records, you can submit a data deletion request by:

Email: admin@milanadesigns.in

Please include the following details in your request:

Full Name

Contact Information (Phone Number)

Specific details of the data you want to be deleted

Verification Process:

To protect your privacy, we will verify your identity before processing any data deletion requests. This may involve asking for additional information to ensure that the person making the request is the data subject.

Processing Time:

Upon receiving a valid data deletion request, we will process it within 10 business days. During this time, we will ensure the secure removal of your data from our systems.


While we strive to delete your data promptly, certain legal or regulatory requirements may necessitate the retention of some information for a specific period.


Once your data deletion request is completed, we will notify you via the communication method specified in your request.

Changes to this Procedure:

This Data Deletion Procedure may be updated from time to time. Any changes will be reflected in the "Last Updated" date above.

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